Event Notification API

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The Event Notification Subscription API Profile describes the flows and common functionality for the Event Notification Subscription API, which allows a TPPs to:

  • Register an event subscription with an ASPSP to subscribe to event notifications.
    • A subscription can enable real time event notifications via a HTTP callback from the ASPSP, and aggregated polling by the TPP.
  • Specify a list of event types to be notified on.
  • Optionally read, update or delete a registered event subscription.

This profile should be read in conjunction with a compatible Read/Write Data API Profile, a compatible Event Notification API Profile and compatible individual resources.

The Event Notification API Profile describes the flows and common functionality to allow a TPP to receive event notifications.

The Event Notification Subscription API Profile and the Callback URL API Profile provide alternative mechanisms for TPPs to register for event notifications.

  • The Event Notification Subscription API allows TPPs to register to receive all or specific event types via the Real Time Event Notification API and/or the Aggregated Polling API.
  • The Callback URL API allows TPPs to register to receive a urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:resource-update event notification via the Real Time Event Notification API.

Usage of the Event Notification Subscription API is recommended over the Callback URL API for notification registrations. Note, should an ASPSP choose to provide both APIs for event notification registrations, any registration made using the Event Notification Subscription API supersedes a registration made using the Callback URL API.

This profile should be read in conjunction with the other API profiles which detail the circumstances under which an event notification may be delivered.

Implementation of real-time push Notifications is optional for both ASPSPs and TPPs.

Event Types and Extensibility

The specification defines a number of namespaced event types corresponding to individual event notifications.

ASPSPs may define their own custom Events (together with a corresponding namespaced event type) consistent with the principles and conventions outlined in the specification.

ASPSPs must document all supported events types on their developer documentation.


Event-Subscription Resource

TPPs must register for event-subscriptions with the version of Event Notification API they have implemented. The version field of the event-subscription resource is used for this purpose.

  • A TPP must only create an event-subscription on one version
  • A TPP must not access a event-subscription on an older version, via the EventSubscriptionId for an event-subscription created in a newer version.
    • E.g., a event-subscription created in v4, accessed via v3.
  • An ASPSP must allow an event-subscription resource to be accessed in a newer version.
  • An ASPSP must ensure event-subscription fields are unchanged when accessed in a different version.
  • A TPP must not update an event-subscription on an older version via a EventSubscriptionId created in a newer version.
    • E.g., A event-subscription is created in v4, and a PUT request on v3.
  • An ASPSP must support updating an event-subscription from a previous version via a EventSubscriptionId created in a newer version.
    • E.g., A event-subscription is created in v3, and a PUT request on v4.
  • A TPP must not delete an event-subscription on an older version via a EventSubscriptionId created in a newer version.
    • E.g. An event-subscription is created in v4, and request DELETE on v3.
  • An ASPSP must support deleting an event-subscription from a previous version via a EventSubscriptionId created in a newer version.
    • E.g., An event-subscription is created in v3, and request DELETE on v4.

#Event-Subscription per TPP

An ASPSP will maintain at most, a single event-subscription resource per TPP.